Since I am using Unity Game Engine, I came across the Made with Unity website, which showcases the wonderful games created with Unity and allows the developers to write beautiful stories about their games!

So naturally I shepherded over to the site and created my MWU profile and also a game profile for ‘Mr. Mustachio’.

There is a approval process and the developer profile and the game profile need to be approved by the MWU team before they can appear on the website.

About a couple of hours ago, I received the mail from MWU that my profile has been approved. Yay!

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I quickly hopped over to the MWU website to check out my game profile and what do I find there?
Mr.Mustachio is placed right there on the Made With Unity website HomePage!! It is placed under the ‘DAILY GAME SPOTLIGHT’ section!!

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Now I don’t know what is the criteria for selection or whether every new game ends up there, but who cares! For a Indie Game Developer, that is a definite win!

Check out the profiles:
Mr. Mustachio
Developer Profile